Southern A'Chord Chorus is a great place to bring your creativity and vocal talent. If you love to sing – either melody or harmony, high or low – we've got a spot that's calling your name!

But we're more than just a vocal ensemble; we're a family. We love getting together each week and sharing friendships as well as wonderful four-part a cappella music. 

If you like to sing, you're invited to visit our chorus and discover your inner diva! Sitting in on one of our rehearsals is the perfect way to find out more about us and what is available to you through the chorus. You'll have the opportunity to hear us perform some goosebump-producing harmony, and you'll be invited to join us to actually experience the music - plus the friendship and fun for which Southern A'Chord is known.



Guests are welcome to visit chorus rehearsals Thursdays at 6:00 p.m.

Fellowship Hall, Presbyterian Church of Ruston, 212 N. Bonner St., Ruston, LA 71270


An independent community women's chorus specializing in a cappella harmony.

There are so many reasons to join! Spending time with a group of creative and welcoming singers, learning some amazing songs, and getting a chance to perform and strut your stuff.


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