Rehearsal time changed to 6 p.m. Thursdays

 Date Posted: Wed, Feb 5 2025

Starting this week (Feb.ruary 6), our rehearsals will begin at 6 p.m. instead of 6:30, while still ending around 8:30. This extra 30 minutes will give us more time to refine our sound and prepare for upcoming performances. Thanks for adjusting. See you at 6!

A good day in El Dorado in spite of the rain

 Date Posted: Mon, Dec 16 2024

Our El Dorado performance set for Dec. 14 fell victim to that day's rain; however, we still managed to have a good time.

The performance - scheduled for DP’s Food Truck Park - was called off while we were en route. So we converged on the park, learned of the situation (wet benches and tables, very limited number of vendors, part of day's festivities canceled, etc.) and decided to go to Larry's Pizza, where we had a marvelous time. The pizza is stupendous, the staff is friendly and proficient, and there's a piano and gifted pianist on the premises. What's more, we got to sing "Jingle Bells," "Diddly Squat" and "Happy Birthday Doo Wop" (the latter, to a 9-year-old boy).

Both the food truck park and Larry's are worth a visit if you're ever in El Dorado or just passing through. One of our members stops at Larry's every time she makes the journey from Louisiana to northern Arkansas or Missouri. Lemons because of the cancellation? Naaah .... lemonade!

Photo captions:

#1: We took to the stage at the food truck park anyway. It was a good excuse for a group picture - and it was out of the rain. ðŸ™‚ From left: Anne Garay, Kesha Jean Batiste, Judy Sisson, Jan Lenard, Tina Allen, Candice Bassett, Michelle Jones, RozAnne Bell, Sallie Rose Hollis, Rachel Grider and Kim Gronewold.

#2: Around the table at Larry's Pizza. From left: RozAnne Bell, Kesha Jean Batiste, Sallie Rose Hollis, Candice Bassett, Rachel Grider, Michelle Jones, Judy Sisson, Jan Lenard, Kim Gronewold and Anne Garay.

#3: Another group pose, this time in our designated singing spot at Larry's Pizza.. If you look closely, perhaps you can see the piano in the background. Here's where we sang "Jingle Bells" and "Diddly Squat." From left: RozAnne Bell, Anne Garay, Judy Sisson, Kesha Jean Batiste, Jan Lenard, Candice Bassett, Michelle Jones, Sallie Rose Hollis, Rachel Grider and Kim Gronewold.


Two new members added to chorus

 Date Posted: Thu, Dec 12 2024
As a result of our Welcome Night in the fall, Southern A'Chord has added two new members: Rachel Grider, tenor, and RozAnne Bell, lead. We are SO happy to add them to our roster and welcome them as our newest singing sisters!

Left photo: President Lynette Murphy pins Rachel during her Welcome Celebration. Right photo: Director Candice Bassett presents RozAnne with her membership certificate.

Butter Braid Bread - another fundraising success thanks to our supporters!

 Date Posted: Wed, Nov 13 2024

Our Butter Braid bread was delivered today. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year, and it was a resounding success. We raised over $1,400!

People just LOVE this bread, especially around the holidays. If you didn't get a chance to order this year, hopefully we'll have it available for you in 2025.

For everyone who ordered, we sing your praises! As a newly started organization, such support helps us greatly. We hope to see you at a future performance!

Southern A'Chord Blizzard Blitz set for Oct. 10

 Date Posted: Mon, Oct 7 2024
Update: We earned over $250 through our Blizzard Blitz! Thanks to all who came out and supported us. Here's a shot of several of us who went to Dairy Queen after rehearsal that night. Food, fun and fellowship - can't be beat! From left: Jan Lenard, RozAnne Bell, Anne Garay, Sallie Rose Hollis and Candice Bassett.


Southern A'Chord will sponsor a Blizzard Blitz at the Ruston Dairy Queen's Cooktown Road location all day Thursday, Oct. 10. For every Blizzard purchased, the chorus will receive $1. Funds will go toward laying the foundation for our new women's community a cappella chorus. Several chorus members will be there after rehearsal around 9 p.m. if you would like to join us.

A wonderful Welcome Night

 Date Posted: Fri, Sep 13 2024
We had 11 visitors attend our Welcome Night on Sept. 12. Yay! The sound was incredible as we blended all our voices. Thanks so much to all who attended; we hope you return in the future. Anyone out there who may have had time conflicts, please plan to attend an upcoming rehearsal; they're always open to visitors. "There's a new chorus in town" - and it's gathering momentum. (One visitor had to leave early, so the bottom pic contains only 10 people.)

New women's chorus launches in Ruston

 Date Posted: Mon, Sep 2 2024

A new melody is rising in Ruston as Southern A'Chord, a women's community a cappella chorus, announces its formation and invites area residents to a harmonious beginning.

The group will host a Welcome Night on Thursday, Sept. 12, at 6:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall of the Presbyterian Church of Ruston, 212 N. Bonner.

Chorus leaders say Southern A'Chord's purpose is to bring music to the community and to provide a place for women to enjoy and grow their musical skills.

All women who have a love for singing are encouraged to attend the recruitment event. It will provide a chance to meet the director and fellow singers, discover more about the chorus's mission and upcoming activities, and experience the delight of singing in a group.

"The group is more than just a chorus," said Lynette Murphy, of Choudrant, assistant director for musical expression. "It's a celebration of the joys of singing and the uplifting power of music. Singing is a journey of the soul that connects us to the deepest parts of ourselves and to each other.

"There's something truly magical about coming together to create harmony," explained Murphy, who also serves as chorus president. "Singing not only lifts the spirit but also promotes a sense of unity."

The chorus Music Staff is led by Director Candice Bassett, of Grayson, who believes in the transformative power of music. "When we sing, we create a space where every voice matters. It's not just about the notes on the page. It's about the stories we tell and the community we build – a community where women can support each other, learn together and perform for the joy of our audiences."

With a repertoire that spans pop, patriotic, gospel and holiday, Southern A'Chord offers a sound that resonates with diverse audiences. As a new non-profit organization, the chorus has a roster of 14 members from multiple parishes.

"We’re committed to helping our members find their voice and use it confidently," Bassett said. "Our rehearsals are a place of discovery, where the art of a cappella singing – especially barbershop – can be embraced. We're excited to build this sisterhood and share our love of music with Ruston and beyond."
Regular rehearsals are held Thursdays from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the same location as the guest night. Visitors and singers from other groups are welcome any time.

Southern A'Chord is not yet affiliated with any other organizations but would like to partner with local arts and community groups to serve North Louisiana, its leaders say. One of the chorus goals is to do community service outreach.

Bassett has extensive a cappella chorus training and background, having earned a director's certification and international medals with other singing groups. Murphy is the choir director and piano teacher for Ruston High School and serves as worship leader for First Baptist Church in Choudrant.

For more information concerning either membership or booking a performance, visit the website or the Facebook page Southern A'Chord Chorus, or contact Murphy at 501-318-8701.

Photo info:

Directors and officers from recently created Southern A'Chord Chorus are inviting others to join. Back row, from left: Candice Bassett, director; Lynette Murphy, assistant director for musical expression; Sallie Rose Hollis, assistant director for visual expression. Front row: Judy Sisson, secretary; Tina Allen, treasurer.

Latest news soon to come .... stay tuned!

 Date Posted: Wed, Jul 10 2024
Southern A'Chord is getting ready to join the North Louisiana arts scene very soon! We're  excited about it!!! Hope to see many of you at our recruitment event in the near future.